You will also receive an email reminder two days before the due date so you can always pay your bills on time. Outlook will identify bills you receive in email, show you a summary at the top, and automatically add a calendar event on the due date.
Just like travel reservations and package delivery information presented in Outlook with a summary card at the top of your email today, we added support for bill payments. Here’s a look at what’s new and coming soon: New in Outlook Calendarīill pay reminders-We are adding bill payments to the events we automatically help you track.
Also, new features-coming soon in Outlook for iOS and Android-will connect you to the people, apps, and technology that power your productivity and help protect you and your business.
You have emails to respond to, things to take care of, and places to be! New Outlook features-across Windows, Mac, web, and mobile-help you manage your time and keep what matters most front and center.