fused multiply add (FMA) also here, but add G06F 7/5443 rational number, logarithmic number system, floating-point numbers (conversion to or from floating-point codes H03M 7/24) ( G06F 7/4806, G06F 7/4824, G06F 7/49, G06F 7/491, G06F 7/544 take precedence)e.g. Using signed-digit representationBinary multipliers and dividers often use signed-digit representation internally for one operand or the result see therefor 'recoded' or 'Booth' multipliers in G06F 7/523 - G06F 7/5338 and 'recoded' or 'SRT' dividers in G06F 7/535 - G06F 7/5375.Ĭomputations with numbers represented by a non-linear combination of denominational numbers, e.g. CORDIC in non-complex environment: G06F 7/5446 Using coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC)i.e. tube, solid state device using unspecified devicese.g. based on natural stochastic processes also mixed PRNG/RNGs Considered as random ( G06F 7/588 ) are methods based on - radioactivity, zener, race, chaos- uncertain moment of pressing a key
using a linear feedback shift registergenerators including the 2**n state with all zeroes in G06F 7/582 only deterministic PRNGs mixed RNGs in G06F 7/588 if more than one type of pseudo-random number generator is discussed:- in case these PRNGs are clearly trivial: classify in head group ( G06F 7/582 ) - in case a PRNG might be non-trivial: classify in relevant sub-group(s)